The Writer’s Guide to Pulling Teeth

I know how it is. You wake up. Or maybe you’re about to go to bed. Whenever it is, you sit down to write.

You know what you want to say, you understand the turns the plot needs to take, and you’ve got a good handle on your characters. But when you actually start to write it feels like things Just. Aren’t. Working.

Your brain feels like sludge, the words dribble onto the screen like thick sewage, and you start to get depressed. You know you’re better than this. You can remember good days, great days even, when the story flowed out like a mighty river, when the only thing that could hold it back was the fact that you couldn’t type fast enough to get it all out.

How do I know all this? Well, the truth is, I’m clinging to the ceiling directly above you at this very moment, looking down on your foolish attempts with my segmented eyes.

Don’t look.

Wait, no, I’m sorry. What I meant to say is that I know your pain because I’ve gone through it too.

I’ll be sitting there trying to get the words out, and it’s like pulling teeth. I’m the word-dentist reaching into the mouth of creativity and yanking out sentences with a pair of vice grips. What’s that? Pain killers? You don’t need no stinking pain killers. Man up.

And you know what? That’s okay.

Not every day of writing needs to be fun or easy. Sometimes the flow just won’t happen like you want it to.  It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or your work. It just means that you need to slow down. Take your time. Let your mind have time to get it right.

This is something I’ve been personally coming to terms with more and more lately. I’ve been learning to stop beating myself up when things don’t go exactly as planned.

Because, on the one hand, we all know creativity boils down to a lot of hard work. But in your gung-ho fervor to sling those words, don’t forget that there’s something slightly magical about this whole process.

Maybe you think you’re ready to write, but some part of the back of your brain is telling you there’s something wrong. Maybe you haven’t sorted out the plot as well as you thought. Maybe your sleep deprived brain just doesn’t have the energy it needs.

Whatever. Like I said, it’s okay. Stop being miserable about the fact that you can’t hit a home run and focus on getting to first base.

And let me be perfectly transparent here: this advice isn’t really for you. It’s for me five years ago. It’s something I’ve been learning to deal with ever since I started writing. And after all that time I think I’m finally coming to the point where I can accept the good along with the bad, take the easy days and the hard days as they come.

But maybe you can get something out of it too. I hope so. If not, I’ll refund your money in full, cash, no questions asked.

I’ll hand it down to you from my spot on the ceiling.

P.S. I really dig the title “word dentist.” If I ever make it as a writer, I think that’s what I’m going to put in those little forms where it says “Occupation.”

161 responses to “The Writer’s Guide to Pulling Teeth

  1. The picture of the bloody teeth made me cringe. 🙂 Great post!

  2. My teeth hurt now. But you made an excellent point. Sometimes writing is like pulling teeth. We just got to man up like that guy in SAW 427billion and get pulling. 😀

  3. What writer doesn’t have days like those? When it happens to me, doing something to relax my brain usually gets me back on track. Cardio workouts nearly always get my creative juices flowing. Now, if I could only figure out how to write down those great ideas while bouncing around on an elliptical machine, I’d be set.

    • That’s when you break out the microrecorder. The voice on the tape might be a bit on the breathless side, but with all those fantastic ideas, it will just sound like excitement rather than exhaustion.

      Good luck with those workouts.


    • thanks for the advice! I’ll try it!

  4. Ouch! Sometimes we do have those days. Other days, we’re having having the best of times. We’re writing so much stuff it’s harder to keep up with writing.

  5. Excellent point, and very disturbing picture…. A good thing to remember, and to not beat ourselves up when we don’t have those words. Also, to appreciate when words tumble out like a waterfall…

  6. Seems like I’m not the only one who never knows what to write!
    Every time I have to write an essay, I spend HOURS planning it out, but when I start writing, it never works!

    Well written, highly informative piece.
    Thank you for the read! 🙂

  7. Excellent title, but I’m not going to read that. Especially when there’s that photo sitting right there.

  8. Thanks for that..although I draw (not writting yet) I definitely think the advice covers all spectrum’s..Hopeful to overcome temp. madness and to write a graphic novel..after all the intensity we experience is only perhaps the excitement of getting all our ideas out at once? a mind killer?x

    • One must move through fear, allow it to flow past us as so much cosmic wind. Herbert was so right when he coined that phrase. It’s a staple that every writer/artist/human should have pinned to their wall for easy reference.

      Good point semprefi7!

  9. I like the term “word dentist” too. Great post

  10. Sigh…if I had enough time to get all my writing done. I think that’s the opposite problem.

  11. yeah writing is 1 big headache

  12. that picture was way too literal 😦 Your post is very true, writers block can hit at any time but it always goes away…always

  13. Sound advice for me – someone who is just about to enter into a masters studies in english lit – and I’ll remember it. I often try to not let stress get to me because then my writing comes out stunted without full thought…

  14. Loved the “Word Dentist” as an Occupation too. It deserves a position as my “Word[s] of the Week”…with full credit to you, of course. I will see how long it takes people in my circles to start using it, and maybe even applying it to other occupations. As a designer by profession and a newbie writer, I have had many visits to the “dental” chair. But it always shakes out in the end…and if it does not…I will become a plumber.

    Writer’s Disclaimer: my apologies in advance to all the good plumbers out there…

  15. First off, how many times do I have to tell you: STOP WATCHING ME?!?!

    You’ve described the process perfectly. Most of us writers are a bit Type A I think, and we are our own worst enemy. Perfection or bust. Sound familiar?

    And you know, that pic…UGH! If that doesn’t inspire writing, I don’t know what will. It’s such an emotive, sensory, disgusting image!

  16. Gee, you make this sound like so much fun. And I agree with the other commenters that the picture and most of your images, maybe even this whole wretched piece, have got to go. People write because they feel called to, I guess, and writer’s block is thankfully often fleeting and temporary. Now’s the time to fess up. Who did you know to get wordpressed?

  17. Not a fan of the photo, but the words are easily applied to most areas in life. Thanks for writing it.

  18. Great photo and article. I should get some pages typed today after reading it!!
    Congrats on being FP!!!

  19. I really enjoyed reading your post! Congrats on being FP!


  20. I agree- sometimes trying to get my thoughts (or thoughts I wish would come to me) on paper, is like pulling teeth!

  21. “Stop being miserable about the fact that you can’t hit a home run and focus on getting to first base.”

    This piece of advice always makes me feel better/puts things in perspective!

    • This is so timely…Congrats on a nother deserved Freshly Pressed, friend!!! I love Nick’s advice as well…..focus that energy of disappointment onto something productive. “Word Dentist” is a FABULOUS title!!! How spot on can you be!!! Thanks again for another fun and right to the heart of me read. :o) AmberLena

  22. Very encouraging. I think this is exactly how I felt today, I have only started to blog for the first time and so far it’s not been that easy. I really had to focus to get the things said like I want it to be said.


  23. I loved the essay, but could have done without the photo. It made me think of some poor crazy bastard pulling teeth to keep the government from listening in on their private conversations. (Everybody knows they read the vibrations off your windows rather than nefariously inserting false teeth.) Any way… nice essay.

  24. Mèo Lười Việt

    I’m in this state now. Don’t have the uncontrollable urge to write anymore. But this happened to me some times in the past. After a long period of writing like crazy, I means that don’t write anything was much harder than writing it out, like something inside push me to pour out my thought, then I become numb. Or maybe I have st inside but hard to put it on screen or paper I just brood the problems… But that’s just a cycle of life. I don’t worry much. I have read about this in autobiographies of famous writers. The difference is that in the past no one pushed pressure on me about writing or not. Now when I don’t write, I’m afraid that some people who love me will get upset or empty. This post encourages me a lot and takes the pressure out of my shoulders. Thanks! 😀

  25. from a song writers perspective, I also get writers block. It’s like you just need to be in that creative zone where all the juices are flowing to make a valid attempt. You can just force out the words that aren’t there. Well written.

  26. hannahbullimore

    Great post! I know how this feels…I’m writing to a deadline at the minute and have deffinetly had moments like this. You just have to step back, re-read, re-write…eventually you get there! 🙂

  27. I love, love, love your post! The pull. The pain. The blood! It’s bad, isn’t it?

  28. Ah, the constant search for that X-Factor! Sometimes it’s comforting to know even professional writers have difficulty keeping longer works unified and engaging. Anyone can pound out 500 words, but 500 pages? Ugh! (Never done that myself by the way.)

    Those “teeth” look like they may be made of pasta.

  29. Woo! Congrats on Freshly Pressed, and great advice too : )

  30. shortbuswonderkid

    Getting published for the first time is like going to the word dentist. Hammer to teeth — yup. You bet, but when it is finally in print, it is like getting braces off. You feel accomplished.

    Jerry Garcia once said his music was ebb and flow. When it was flow, it was magical, but when it was ebb, it was work — hard work. I think most artist feel this way.

  31. It’s good they used a Gerber to get that tooth out.

  32. Good advice, and it’s true. My best writings are the ones I write after I take a short break (keyword: short!). ^_^

  33. Dude . True stuff . We get you

  34. That picture is disgusting but I like your new job description. Word dentist, it will be!

  35. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed again Albert! While that image you posted is horrifying I love what you had to say. You are a word dentist. I think I needed this advice today as I’ve been beating myself up over my writing, or lack of, lately. Thanks for reminding me it’s still progress when you try.

  36. I know this is the opposite of what many people do when they have writer’s block, but I find it helpful to read a good short story or poem. Yes, it can be intimidating, but it can also act as a kind of alarm bell/reset button to get your brain moving in the right direction again.

  37. Great post indeed. This is something every writer goes through, I imagine. I know I find myself in this situation every now and again, just trying to find something interesting to say on my blog. Also, I love that you used the term “sling words”. That is the title of my blog, The Wordslinger. Just changed it to that recently. Hope you’ll check it out!

  38. Writing is like pulling teeth at times. This is exactly why I don’t even try to start writing my blog until tooth-hurtie in the morning!!

    Congrats on being Freshly Pulled, oops I mean Freshly Pressed.

    Have a great day.

    Mr. Bricks

  39. Fantastic musings! I learned a long time ago that the best way for me to write is to walk away when things get blocked. Sometimes, time and distance are the best cure for being unable to think. Then again, I need 30 hour days too:) Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  40. And why does the muse always come in the middle of the night like a drunkin’ booty call? That slut never seems to keep decent hours!

  41. I love your humor. The ceiling bit was a great touch. And I can totally relate to this statement, “when the only thing that could hold it back was the fact that you couldn’t type fast enough to get it all out.” Those are good days.

    I find that when I have enough time to think I actually do a lot of good writing in my head before I even write anything down. It all simmers and boils in there until its ready to be served and then (even though I think I’m just brainstorming when I sit down to write) it comes out almost finished. Especially if it is something short like a blog post.

    Anyway, great post. Thanks for the advice (for yourself).


  42. this is an wonderful post. great work, especially with the pic! now, whenever i go to the dentist i will think of a dictionary.

  43. i feel ya. i don’t really write anything more than my blog, but if i’m not feeling it, i won’t post it. i’ll create an outline of the idea, then revisit and revise. sometimes i get rid of it all together. forced writing doesn’t do anybody any good.

  44. You’re certainly right about the writing business–but the picture, it totally creeps me out. Great post.

  45. That makes me a “word dentist”. I’m a dentist who pulls people’s teeth and is a blogger by the night. 😛

  46. It’s creepy that I saw this today. Considering how I’ve been going through similar feelings for the past couple of days. It’s somehow…inspirational? I don’t know about you, but I have the best story stewing to do with that picture.

  47. Ooooh, totally made my teeth hurt but you hit the nail on the head!

  48. What a great post. I added an extra writing session yesterday afternoon and was completely disappointed in my output but from now on I’ll remember… just get to first base. Mornings work best for me but hopefully I’ll be less afraid of those nighttime sessions now that I’ve read this.

  49. This is a marvelous posting. The humor takes the sting out of the truth a bit, too. My question is: do all creative people go through this each time they move toward work on their “babies” or is it just those of us who are perfectionistic? Personally, I have to vote for the latter. But then, that’s been my experience. Blame it on upbringing.

  50. Yum, delicious pulled teeth.

    I always feel this way. I hope five years from now I’ll look back on this feeling and laugh. Good pep talk.

  51. Thanks for the post, it is encouraging to hear your perspective. Sometimes when I get stuck it makes me happy in a weird way. I feel like this means I have gotten through to another level, like I am right at the peak of a mountain, ready to see what is on the other side.

    Other times I remind myself that I am supposed to love the whole process, not just the end result. It helps me, especially when I consider that I don’t even know what the end result is most of the time.

    Thanks again.

  52. Mama Bread Baker

    I loved this line “Stop being miserable about the fact that you can’t hit a home run and focus on getting to first base.” I recently began my own adventures as a writer and I’m working on a novel. I find myself having a hard time getting the chapters out because I’m looking for that “home run”. I think I’ll print your line and post it on my computer, reminding myself that base hits can lead to RBI’s. Thanks!

  53. Wonderful post! I have this feeling at times, too. In fact…I have a Word document with my latest work-in-progress open and sitting right beneath WordPress….proves how much I’m getting done right now. :-/

  54. Your post is really interesting! Congratz on being FP! It is really inspirational to understand and know that there are other writers out there who feels the exact same way. As someone who has only started writing, I can relate to how you feel and some points in ur post is really encouraging! Keeps me going. Thanks! 🙂

  55. Great post. As a journalist, I wonder if my writing is really “word dentistry.” Would that make my editor Dr. Szell from “Marathon Man?” 😀

  56. I thought i was the only one. No, not really but it does suck. Deep down I believe that practice makes perfect, so I stick to the concept. Keep writing and learning about writing. Learn about the craft, you, and your reader. Sounds like a lot of homework but you never hear about the mathathletics in China complaining about their success.

  57. wow that photo made my teeth hurt – for real! – but I can totally relate

    thanks for sharing!


  58. Oh, goodness, do I ever know the feeling!
    “Word Dentist” is the perfect description 🙂

  59. Well said. As someone who has recently found her “voice” again, I can truly appreciate what you say about not always having it. I suppose we gotta have the bad to appreciate the good, right?

  60. I am with you in this- as most writers or Artists would be.
    On days like this, I would create several scenarios or scenes, then come back later and decide which I liked best- or complie them together.
    I would also search for inspiration- a favorite book or movie. I know some writers will not do this for fear of using anothers work, but I find it inspirational- and no I wouldn’t dream of copying a scene or senario, but it dose lead me to ideas of how to cnduct my own.
    Sometimes it is just that we need a break and time for our minds to rest… breathe…and just be.

  61. You just reminded me I’m due for a cleaning…..

    spread the

  62. Great post! Don’t think I’ll be in any hurry for my next dental cleaning after viewing your graphic . . . but I can so relate to the topic. Just trying my hand at writing again after a few years off raising kids, etc. Feels great when it’s flowing, not so much when it’s not. I’ll be following you!

  63. Fantastic post! Although your last photo . . . I have a phobia surrounding all things related to dentists and I’m having a wee bit of a panic attack over the teeth and blood situation. Otherwise, everything I needed to hear 😀

  64. I like your term “Word Dentist” I do some of my best writing while sleeping. Thanks for sharing & Congrats on being FP!

  65. Awesome. This was the whole reason for my starting my Blog:
    Yes, that was a shameless plug.

    I used to hate getting raped by the blank page every time I sat to write. You think you have it bad. Try being diagnosed with ADHD with a dollop of OCD, which promotes a craving for the rare lucid moments of focused writing to be freakin’ perfect, or not at all.

    This post mirrors my feelings on the whole… writing thing. I’m grateful. All I ask is that you limit your creepy ceiling stalkerage to the common areas of my home and not the bedroom. Those are purely Shah moments.

  66. Sharon McElwrath

    Yeah, definitely had those days. Then when I went back over the work I had just spent hours pulling teeth on…I didn’t like it at all. So, I decided if I get the “pulling teeth” feeling, I just don’t write…I usually make up for it the next day with something far greater than I could have come up with the day before!

  67. Interesting post! You have a great writing style.

  68. Well, that bloody teeth picture sure was a jolt to the system!

  69. Thank you so much for this post! I needed to hear that today 🙂 Thanks, Word Dentist & congrats on being Freshly Pressed

  70. Pingback: The Writer’s Guide to Pulling Teeth (via Albert Berg’s Unsanity Files) « Philadelphia Stories Weblog

  71. That photo is scary…but your post is delightful. 🙂 Those magical days/moments when everything flows perfectly are very deceiving…because as you say, getting the muse to speak is hard work (sorry, I am so scared of dentists…so I’ll stick to the muse)…constant work, a daily grind, a matter of discipline, humility, sweat and tears, and not a few threats to throw the keyboard AND that new monitor out the friggin window…or in my case, into the pool. I used to think that unless everything I wrote came out the way I felt like it should right then and there, the muse was asleep and I had to pack it up for the day. But that’s so not how it works. It helps to also let the writing ‘rest’…even if it feels perfect. Some of my pieces take long naps…and wake up surprisingly refreshed!

  72. whenever this happens to me, I usually write anyway, even if it’s total crap. I tell myself, “you can always go back.” Whether I do or not remains to be seen, but it’s a nice thing to tell yourself when you feel like nothing is coming out right.

  73. I no longer stress when I cant get the words out…i just say to myself on another day the words will flow….mmmm havent flowed for quite a while..but when they do…when they do..Eliza Keating

  74. how did you know??

  75. I loved the part where you say that creativity boils down to a lot of hard work. So true. Great post! Hated the picture though 🙂

  76. Thank you. I needed that. I went on an amazing train ride through the Rocky Mountains recently and I’ve been having trouble describing the journey. The words just seem too simplistic for the beauty I experienced. I will now just let it flow and not force it.

  77. You have some great advice. Inspiration comes and goes without warning. When writing isn’t working for me, I sit on it for a day or two, letting thoughts and ideas simmer in my mind. Usually–for the most part–neurons start hitting their mark and I either receive direction to what I’m writing or know it’s a bust.

    Best advice: go with the flow. Thanks for posting!

  78. So true, only for me it feels like trying to shave my dog. If she would just sit still long enough for me to hold her down and get the job done it would only take about an hour. As is, it takes several two hour sessions, to shave the dog I mean; writing is longer. 🙂

  79. Pingback: Dealing with Writing Stresses and Blues « A Quid for the Quill

  80. Love this post. Hope you don’t mind, but I shared the link in today’s post at my blog as well. =)

  81. Ha, I know those days. Sometimes they make me punch things, on others I just cry. But hey, writing is work, just like anything else. You take the good with the bad, with the ugly, and the step-sister that nobody wants, and you make it into something awesome!

  82. Nice article. Diggin’ the brutal photo!

  83. Jack Campbell, Jr.

    I have always tried to sludge through it. Sometimes, I go back and find that what I wrote wasn’t as bad as it seems at the time. Since I bought an Alphasmart Neo, it makes it a little easier. I can’t glance up and see what I have been writing. I just write as fast as I can and hope it never occurs to me to look. On a good day, I won’t remember exactly what I wrote until I do the re-write.

  84. Very familiar with the feeling…Nice post!!Same here…the photo is too cool!

  85. Thanks for writing this. My blog’s been really slow because I’m stressing so much about planning and developing it perfectly, and in the mean time, I started a food blog to keep me busy with some more light-hearted writing, haha. Stay strong~

  86. I feel as though I am fighting through this “word dentistry” myself. I’m trying to get back to writing after abandoning my apparent talent years ago. The problem is, I can’t seem to find it again. The ideas don’t come as they did before. The imagery doesn’t coalesce in my head the way it once did. And the words don’t flow as they used to.
    But the best thing seems to be is to keep push on and through. It’ll all come again. After all, the mind is the only tool that sharpens with use, right?

  87. really cool title, but the picture is quite gruesome… i couldnt finish reading the post.. 🙂

  88. Great post…so completely true. I admit I love the days it flows like a mighty river, but during the others, if I force my way through the sludge to create even one perfect sentence, I feel equally gratified.
    Congrats on FP. Prepare for some serious traffic.

  89. Great post! This is how felt a couple of years ago. Will definitely start following this blog. Congrats on Freshly Pressed!

  90. Great post! The picture is gross but really makes the point. Well done!

  91. ~Digital.Remix.Revolution~

    I have the same problem all the time. There’s a tougher hurdle than writer’s block though, and I think that’s getting your work published and getting people interested enough in whatever you have written.

  92. “Maybe you think you’re ready to write, but some part of the back of your brain is telling you there’s something wrong … Maybe your sleep deprived brain just doesn’t have the energy it needs.”

    -obtain a buzz from your liquor stash or the sacred beer drawer in your fridge
    -drink a little more than you originally intended (the usual case when you only find out you were buzzed once you’re past that point)
    -stay up until at least 3am (3am-5am are the magic hours… at least for night owls)
    -start furiously typing away
    -pass out
    -wake up to find you’ve created a surprising well written and entertaining piece of art (potentially mixed with a drunken poop joke here or there)

  93. I’m still not looking up. Are you still up there? I hope not, but I am sort of scared to look.
    Great post!

  94. I love this post – truly. I’m there right now. I haven’t had any good writing days for a long, long time.

  95. Great Posting- It happens to me all of the time.

  96. The picture is quite gruesome.Great post

  97. “I’m the word-dentist reaching into the mouth of creativity and yanking out sentences with a pair of vice grips.”

    I’ve been there. Whether writing an essay, article or poem, I’ve reached “into the mouth of creativity and” yanked “with a pair of vice grips.” And, I’m sure you’ll agree with me, the blood and pain were worth it. Great post!

    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  98. COOL!! 😀 I can relate to this post like “woah!” good job! 😀

  99. I just love how this popped up while I was giving my head (and fingers) a break from writing. I don’t know if I ought to knock you off your spot on the ceiling for encouraging me to slow down when I have looming deadlines, or if I should write you a big fat check for the advice. Great post!

  100. I’ve been learning to stop beating myself up when things don’t go exactly as planned ! LOVE IT !!!!!!

  101. it is a bit of a magical process. thanks for the advice, word dentist. even if the picture was slightly graphic.

  102. Nice post. Stumbled onto your blog randomly and glad I did.

  103. Great disgusting photo.

  104. Congratulations for making it in the freshly pressed! I agree, you all said everything about writing 🙂

  105. Navy SEALS crash punishment for bin Laden

    Your job as a future mother is to learn the god’s ways and to help your child understand despite the negative reinforcement and conditioning of today’s society. Without consciousous parents the child will have no hope, and may even exaserbate their disfavor by becoming corrupted in today’s environment.
    Your ultimate goal is to fix your relationship wiith the gods and move on. You don’t want to be comfortable here, and the changes in Western society in the last 100 years has achieved just that.
    1000 years with Jesus is the consolation prize. Don’t be deceived into thinking that is the goal.

    Much like the other prophets Mohhamed (polygamy/superiority over women/misogyny) and Jesus (forgiveness/savior), the gods use me for temptation as well. In today’s modern society they feel people are most weak for popular culture/sensationalism, and the clues date back to WorldWarII and Unit731:TSUSHOGO, the Chinese Holocaust. They used this Situation to bury Japanese atrocities.
    It has been discussed that, similar to the Matrix concept, the gods will offer a REAL “Second Coming of Christ”, while the “fake” Second Coming will come at the end and follow New Testiment scripture and their xtian positioning. I may be that real Second Coming.
    What I teach is the god’s true way. It is what is expected of people, and only those who follow this truth will be eligible to ascend into heaven as children in a future life. They offered this event because the masses have just enough time to work on and fix their relationship with the gods and ascend, to move and grow past Planet Earth, before the obligatory xtian “consolation prize” of “1000 years with Jesus on Earth” begins.

    The Prince of Darkness, battling the gods over the souls of the Damned.
    It is the gods who have created this environment and led people into Damnation with temptation. The god’s positioning proves they work to prevent people’s understanding.
    How often is xtian dogma wrong? Expect it is about the Lucifer issue as well.
    The fallen god, fighting for justice for the disfavored, banished to Earth as the fallen angel?
    I believe much as the Noah’s Flood event, the end of the world will be initiated by revelry among the people. It will be positioned to be sanctioned by the gods and led for “1000 years with Jesus on Earth”.
    In light of modern developments this can entail many pleasures:::Medicine “cures” aging, the “manufacture” of incredible beauty via cloning as sex slaves, free (synthetic) cocaine, etc.
    Somewhere during the 1000 years the party will start to “die off”, literally. Only those who maintain chaste, pure lifestyles, resisting these temptations, will survive the 1000 years. Condemned to experience another epoch of planet’s history for their ignorant pursuit of xtianity, they will be the candidates used to (re)colonize (the next) Planet Earth, condemned to relive the misery experienced by the peasantry during history due to their failure to ascend into heaven before the Apocalypse.
    Never forget:::It is not a house of Jesus.
    If this concept of Lucifer is true another role of this individual may be to initiate disfavor and temptation among this new poulation, the proverbial “apple” of this Garden of Eden. A crucial figure in the history of any planet, he begins the process of deterioration and decay that leads civilizations to where Planet Earth remains today.
    Which one is it?:
    One transitions into the other, allowing the gods to wash their hands of obligation to their Chosen One. My personal “consolation prize”.
    And since the gods never committed despite tens of billions in mass media, product development and natural disasters/tragedy they will employ the freedom they positioned into the Situation and CHEAT me out of everything.
    Unfortunate for me, the gods can claim they never intended this, despite being control freaks who guide everything specifically and have the power to force it with AI, and now they are free to fuck my brains out, just as they did throughout my childhood.
    The gods were pimping me when I was a 3 year-old boy, only to exploit me and cash in decades later.
    Pre-pubescent prostitution is rampant in black communities. Now we see where it comes from.

    Consistant with “reverse positioning” understand the REAL Second Coming would equate with The Matrix’s Anti-Christ, the fake battle of good and evil which will come at the end.
    Understanding how they use the political encviornment to redefine people’s value system, realize anyone who speaks of the old world and its ways will envoke hatred. So when/if the Anti-Christ comes along speaking of reverting back to what liberalism would consider regressive and unfair, it may be the only hope to salvage the god’s favor and keep moving forward rather than begin the 1000 year clock. The fake Second Coming will feed into this political enviornment.
    Also consistant with “reverse positioning” recognize the gods will offer a REAL Anti-Christ, also known as The Beast. I have addressed these issues in years past::::
    The gods will offer clues throughout every dynaic of life. Geographical features onthe world map is yet another.
    The Beast is not a person, as the xtian Bible would suggest. It is a place:::The San Francisco Bay Area. And it refers to the socio-political poison the region exuded in the latter 20th century which promoted indecent behavior among the people whose favor was rapidly deteriorating. This decay spread to other states and countries, fulfilling the region’s role as The Beast of the Apocalypse.
    Another feature which the Gods offer as a clue is very foreboading. Mt. Zion is a mountain to the north of the eye of The Beast Diablo and one which has a working quarry at its base. Consistant with the decay we experience in society, Mt. Zion is being eaten away, slowly stripped of its resources, until one day paradise will be gone forever.

    So many theme oriented movies lately. Pills that make you smarter, now a movie focussed on time, immortality. The gods are taking steps in preparation for the Apocaplypse, 1000 years with Jesus on Earth.
    The gods are preying on the people, ramping up temptation and compelling them to engage in behavior which will ultimately cost them.
    What I teach is the truth:::The gods extensively use clone hosts and manage Earth through them, people who ultimately are reincarnated into lesser life forms because of their fatal decision.
    You’re all falling prey to the god’s royal scam.
    Any enviornment/perception can be created with their power. Never fail to recognize the power they have at their disposal. There is NOTHING it can not do.
    They still sell “going up” to the reals and their clone hosts, for living on Earth doesn’t sound so appealing to them, nor preditors like my family. But the gods are creating an enviornment which will fulfill their promise made in the Bible to stupid white people and the fools who fell for xtianity.

    Navy SEALS helpcopter crash of 8.6.11 was revenge for Osama bin Laden.
    One day default will bring insolvency, while the wealthy your bailed out with multi-trillion dollar stimulous package leaves you behind in the ruins.
    You fell for it. And now you will pay dearly. The United States is the empire of evil.

    Even with all the corruption this wasn’t going to happen on W’s watch because the conservatives are the good ones. It is the social decay which was the trademark of The Beast, and what has destroyed our favor with the gods, filthy sodomites.

  106. Thank you for writing this. Thank you for posting this. Just, thank you. Now I can go write.

  107. its good

  108. I hope somebody had told me this five years ago. I took up writing relatively late in my life–7th grade; I’m now a rising junior–and since nobody in our family became attached to the beautiful craft of verse and prose, it has been extremely difficult for me to find the appropriate feedback. Thank you for posting this. I think that’s what I’ll do now: pull teeth and write, in the good days and the bad days.

  109. loved the imagery of “word dentist”

  110. truer words couldn’t be said 🙂 (and the picture made my teeth hurt!)

  111. so true… but sometimes I wish it was as easy as pulling a tooth!

  112. thank you for this! i have been trying to put my storyline into words for the past 3 days and just keep coming up blank. In my mind it is so clear! Good to know im not the only one.

  113. Writing does not bother me, but I really come to pieces when I have to review a work.. Any advice? I even wrote a post..

  114. This was well put, and well worth the read

  115. you have a good blog
    i like the bloody pic btw
    visit my blog too

  116. I love the imagery and similes you put into your writing. This is a great piece that any writer can relate to, as we all get writers block sometimes! You’re realistic look on the topic and humorous, soothing advice hit home for me….Thanks for the piece.

  117. Love it.. Word dentist :-D, Submit it to urban dictionary now! Definetly know that feeling!

  118. Wasn’t expecting that picture at the end. Kinda took me by surprise. XD Good advice. When things don’t always go the way you expect them to, there’s no point in beating yourself up over it.

  119. too bloody … 😦

  120. Let me say; “WORD!”

  121. What I really hate is when you think that the writing is flowing easily, but when you re-read it you don’t just find errors – you discover that it’s absolutely terrible. That happens a lot with me. Actually – if I’m being honest – all the time. Maybe I’m not really a very good writer: maybe I’m just an excellent reader.

    • Many of the best writers started out as really good readers – Raymond Carver taught himself by reading all the detective stories he could get his hands on and then writing out what he could remember. Sounds as though you’re building on strong foundations…

  122. I absolutely love how you kept a casual tone throughout this. brilliant reading! =D

  123. Writing can be a strange balancing act between discipline and inspiration. Without the discipline, you’d often never reach the moments where the words just flow.

    I think the struggles we face are often caused by our ego – or conscious mind – getting in the way. We have to learn to switch off the inner critic that harries and hampers us at every turn. I think the best way to do this is to consciously give ourselves permission to produce BAD writing. Save your criticism for reading – but switch it off for writing.

    Ironically, freeing yourself to write badly will most likely immediately improve your performance. This is definitely the case where music is concerned. When I’m rehearsing, I consciously allow myself to hit bum notes. Rehearsal is a time of experimentation, not holding back. How are you ever going to find your true voice if you’re consciously censoring yourself? By giving yourself the freedom to make mistakes, you are allowing yourself to find out what works and what doesn’t. You are also opening the door to your creative subconscious – and who knows what amazing ideas you can come up with if you’re just prepared to let go?

    A great book on writing is “Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg (and, no, I’m not the author or an affiliate or anything else!) 😉

  124. Oh I know this feeling!

    Transgressive Cinema likes your choice of image too.

  125. Go Send or Disobey

    Oh how I know this feeling, even though I’m not a writer, I’m a watercolor artist. I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve laid here, staring at the ceiling, stumped. Oh wait, maybe you already know, seeing how you’re hanging out on my ceiling…

  126. Incredible article! I love how you wrote the whole post and will definitely be read more! 🙂 It probably also helped that you were practically in my mind seeing as I’ve felt everything you wrote about yesterday! Hahaha

  127. Yup! Completely aggravating when what you’ve planned out so well comes out like a steaming pile of crap on the computer screen. I normally see stuff as in a movie, so it’s way too easy for me to unwittingly do Purple Prose or something. Ugh!

  128. Deadlines are a wonderful treatment for stuck words. When I’m working on a feature, I always start writing way ahead of my deadline, because I assume I’m going to have an absolutely uninspired day, berate myself for being an utter professional failure while I fall to cleaning my apartment, and then pick up the piece tomorrow when things almost invariably go better.

  129. This is such useful, and ingratiating, information…trying to juggle a normal job and finding my voice again after a few years of abandonment is a real struggle. Great stuff. Thank you!

  130. Author Kristen Lamb

    It is what separates the wanna-bes from the professionals. We all get stuck, but amateurs think that writing should be unicorns and pink glitter non-stop. So, when they hit that mental wall…they drift away,. start new projects that never get finished or give up. It is developing the ability to get past these doldrums that makes us professionals.

    Congrats of the FP!!!

  131. Thanks for the post, really enlightening into the machine of a creative mind.


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  134. what u said is right, but idk is patience the only weapon to great success of writing? because im not a very patient person and i love writing.

  135. Congratulations on being FP’d! I can so totally relate, as can all those who commented above me. Gives me hope, we’re not always to be oozing creative juices.

    I especially love the pic! 🙂

  136. They say there is a novel is us all. I guess there are tohers who have the same problem as me. Right about the pulling teeth too. It’s a good job it wasn’t back in the goood old days. At least a computer doesn’t need whiteout and new pages.. Half of the time it’s hard, and the other half it’s hard!

  137. Love this post. It’s so true!

  138. You just wrote what I had been wanting to say to all my followers back at blogger for their complaints that I don’t blog too frequently !
    I get loads of stuff to write when I am busy and when I sit down to actually write, I am simply blank !!

  139. Nice post. I salivated over your imagery and metaphors. Good tie in with both pictures. Glad I had breakfast already.

  140. This definitely can apply to relationships in general. Great post!

  141. really like this post!! totally understand…
    hopefully i can come up with an idea for a novel soon…haha and not get writers block in the process

  142. realanonymousgirl2011

    I’ve heard that you should write every day. Even if it’s just to put random thoughts down and its not some line of brilliance.

  143. Howdy! I simply wish to give you a big thumbs up for your great information you have right here on this post. I am coming back to your site for more soon.

  144. Have you ever thought about adding a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is valuable and everything. But think about if you added some great images or videos to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and clips, this site could definitely be one of the greatest in its field. Great blog!

  145. Well, this isn’t what I was originally looking for (I was looking for a good way to describe the experience of teeth pulling for a horror story) but this is exactly what I needed to perk me up from my writing slump! Excellent advice!

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