Madman Maverick vs. THE BABY FROM HELL

[This week’s challenge over at Terrible Minds is to write a flash fiction based on the prompt “Pulp Babies.” For those of you who are not aware, “pulp” is a form a fiction which is meant to entertain and and nothing else; it is the literary equivalent of the popcorn movie. Or, barring that, think of it as the dude’s equivalent of the cheap romance novel.  In that spirit what follows contains not an ounce of nuance nor a shred of subtlety. Enjoy.]

“What’s the situation?” Maverick growled.

“It’s bad, Maverick,” the commissioner said. “Real bad. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

“Stop shakin’ and start talkin’. Couldn’t make head or tail out of what dispatch was saying. Kept blithering on about some mutant baby.”

“That’s exactly it Maverick,” the chief said. “We’re not sure how or why, but…see for yourself.”

The chief handed Maverick the binoculars and Maverick looked down from the top of the parking garage to the windows of the hospital below. At first he didn’t see anything, but then there was a flicker of movement and something skittered by one of the windows.”

“What the…”

“It’s the thing,” the chief explained. “The baby.”

“How does it move like that?”

“It has…tentacles or something. Henderson was the only one survived the raid. He kept raving about…fronds. I didn’t know what to make of that.”

“Is everyone out?”

The chief nodded. “We evacuated them as soon as we could. But some…didn’t make it.”

“The mother?”

“She died trying to protect the thing from Henderson and the boys. Someone shot her.”

“Only a mother,” growled Maverick.

“We need your help, Maverick. I know you’re retired, but after that business down in Nicaragua…”

“Radioactive flying chimps ain’t exactly the same thing as a mutant baby. Besides, I’m no good with kids.” Maverick put the binoculars back up to his eyes. “Any intel on what that thing can do?”

“Some of the nurses said they saw it tear the doctors apart before it was even fully out of the womb,” the chief said. “If you can believe that.”

“At this point I can believe almost anything,” Maverick said.

“Can you help us?” the chief said. “Just this one last time? I’ve already lost five of my best men to that thing.”

“Right. But you’re perfectly fine with me sticking my neck out.”

“You’re my last hope. If you can’t do it, we’ll have to turn the whole place into rubble.”

“And that wouldn’t look good for your reelection campaign now would it?”

“Please Maverick. I know we haven’t been on the best of terms in the past, but-”

“Oh, can it. I’ll take the job, if only to stop listening to you whine. But first I’m gonna need some things.”

He started to make out his list.

Almost an hour later, Maverick strolled into the hospital through the front door. He put his hand down on the handle of his 44. magnum and traced the cool steel contours of the gun with his fingertips as if he were caressing a lover.

The elevators were still running, but Maverick took the stairs instead. He stopped somewhere around the third landing he felt a pain in his side, and he thought, You’re getting too old for this stuff, Maverick. Too bad you’re no good at anything else.

On the fourth floor landing he put his hand in his pocket to assure himself that the thing the whole plan hinged on was still there. The gun at his hip was just for show, a talisman of war that had carried him through the good times and the bad. But it would do him no good here. Shooting the thing wouldn’t work. Henderson and his men had tried that, and the baby had been too fast for them to see, let alone hit.

But the thing in his pocket…it would work. If only…

Maverick pushed open the door and stepped into the stark hospital hallway. He stepped over a dismembered arm and skirted past a spatter of blood on the wall.

“Come out, come out wherever you are,” Maverick called as he stepped slowly down the hall. At first there was nothing, but then he heard an unearthly scuttling noise from his right and he turned and saw the baby-thing was watching him.

It looked vaguely like a human baby, but its skin was green with splotches of black, and the back of it’s head was open somehow, moving and squeezing with folds like an accordion. But the most terrifying thing of all was the way the thing was suspended, almost floating, held aloft by wispy feather-like appendages that looked far too thin to support such weight.

“What’s up babe?” Maverick quipped. He took a slow step back and the baby-thing followed.

“You look like a baby, but I’m bettin’ you’re a lot smarter than that, aren’t you? You’re looking at me right now, trying to figure out if maybe I’ve got some kind of plan aren’t you. But maybe I’m just crazy. Maybe I’m ready to die tonight. Maybe I don’t have a plan at all.”

Maverick reached for his gun, and in an instant the baby-thing was on him and the fronds were wrapping themselves around Maverick’s neck like a noose.

The baby-thing looked at Maverick with demon-black eyes and opened its mouth far too wide to reveal hundreds of needle teeth.

Maverick reached into his pocket and pulled out the grenade. He yanked the pin with his teeth and spat it in the face of the baby-thing. The baby-thing screeched and retreated down the hall dropping Maverick to the floor like a sack of bricks. The baby-thing ran right into the tripwire Maverick had set earlier and the Claymore mounted to the wall exploded blowing pieces of the baby-thing everywhere.

Maverick set down the grenade and smiled. “Dummy,” he explained.


A little later the chief was slapping Maverick on the back. “I knew I could count on you,” he said. “You always come through for me. This city can breathe easy now that that thing is dead.”

“No,” Maverick said. “No we can’t”

“What do you mean?” the chief asked.

“Because,” Maverick said, “Somewhere out there, that thing has a father.”

[This thing was so much fun to write. By the time I was finished I was practically drenched in testosterone. I was ready to punch through a wall and yell, “I AM A MAN!” The most fun about writing this story was the fact that the story stretches out for so long in such a short space. The back-story implied between Maverick and the chief goes back for years and spans whole continents. These guys have been there and they have done that and they did not get the t-shirt. I know I’ve said this about other stories, but I could totally write more about these guys.]

9 responses to “Madman Maverick vs. THE BABY FROM HELL

  1. Love short reads. The pull pin with teeth is only in movies and wanna believe how tough the protagonist is audiences. Tooth comes out not the pin. There is no doubt Maverick could pull it off, however. He had to be Irish or Italian, right?

    • Yeah, this kind of fiction definitely doesn’t worry about what is “possible.” I hadn’t given any thought to Maverick’s race. I just think of him as the mash-up of every action hero ever.

  2. Of course it has a father. All really good horror stories never end.

    Great story.

  3. “I know I’ve said this about other stories, but I could totally write more about these guys.” Do it! I was just reading on another blog about how editors are looking for series.

    Great story, and I really enjoyed reading it. I have to confess though that I half expected at the end that the “thing” Maverick had in his pocket that would save the day was a pacifier or a teddy bear or some other comic twist. I know, not that kind of story. Good cliffhanger at the end with the reference to the father.

    Thanks for sharing it!

  4. I just love that ending! Terrific story.

  5. Oh, I don’t know, I was sort of in awe of the mother and wondering what a kickass woman she’d have to be to mate with a guy who’d produce that sort of spawn. But that’s a female perspective. 😉

    Great piece. Really loved the tough guy dialog and the way the action moved.

  6. Fun! You packed a lot of information into a small space. I never got around to taking up the challenge last week, but you talked me into trying it this week.

  7. great story. i always enjoy a good horror read. honestly, i had a feeling you would go in the ‘this isn’t over yet’ direction. but i was thinking along the lines of ‘exploded monster baby=more tiny monster babies’. your ending is great though, because now there is a BIGGER monster possibly still making monster babies. good job 🙂

  8. Heheheh 🙂 That was cool and I’m not a guy. Good job! I don’t read romances and not really horror, but I do read mysteries and action/spy-type novels and fantasy and sci-fi. Reminds me of how we don’t really know Perry Mason and how short the novels are.

    I do like novels better than short stories, but I really applaud your efforts. Your blog is fun to read.

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